Many people create a website without giving another thought to conversion rate optimization.
Unless you optimize your website for conversions, you won’t see your revenue increase. CRO is a critical part of delivering a better customer journey.
This blog has listed the top ways to do your conversion rate optimization.
Two is better than one, but not always, especially if you want a higher conversion rate. It needs a change if you have a landing page with multiple offers.
Most landing pages cannot and should not have more than one offer.
You ask why?
One offer means fewer distractions, fewer options, fewer ways to go out… All of them lead to more conversions. Thus, even the SEMrush, a brand in SEO, uses a simple and only one CTA on their page, as shown below screenshot.
So, how to improve landing page focus?
Your website pages need to be built around two important things, namely:
1. The reason your visitors arrived at your page. For example, to get the course.
2. The target audience needs.
Did you notice a common theme here? Both these point out one thing: People.
This brings us to the point that CRO is not about you; it’s about them!
But who are these people?
Until and unless you understand what motivates these people, you don’t stand a chance of converting them. After all, they won't take action unless they truly understand what you want to convey and connect with you.
That’s why being clear is so vital. Here’s how to achieve clarity
1. Follow The Mantra, “What You See Is What You Get.” If you promote an offer like “Lose your fat with just $5 a month”, your page must clarify that the offer will help your audience lose fat at $5 a month—nothing more, nothing less. You will lose their trust if you say $5 a month on ads and your pages talk about $50 a month.
2. Be Clear, Not Clever. You might be the expert on a product or subject, but your audience is not. Try to avoid industrial jargon that the average reader will have difficulty understanding.
3. Benefits First, Then Features, And Then Final Offers. Because if you put the offer first without making your users understand how it's beneficial to them, they will have a hard time believing you.
The screenshot below shows a business offering a FREE trial and discounted price but doesn’t talk much about the service. It creates an impression that it’s looking to make than help people.
You have merely 7 seconds to grab your user’s attention. You will lose them forever if you fail to catch their eye within this precious second.
In other words, your pages should grab your audience and keep them hanging on the page until they reach the end of the offer.
Generally, copywriters use psychological triggers to grab the audience’s attention. We have mentioned some of them below.
So, how do you catch their attention?
Trust is a big deal in the online world. 'Don’t trust strangers, our parents always said. It’s the same thing with your websites and landing page.
You need them to trust you. You can bet they won’t stay another second on your site without trust.
To make the matter worse, most of your audience will determine the trustworthiness of your site in the blink of an eye. This is because most humans form an opinion in 50 milliseconds.
So, how to get their trust. Here are a few tips for instilling trust in your audience.
Look at the screenshot below of a landing page with little text on white background. Would you be pleased to engage or make a purchase on this?
A study shows that almost half of the users assessed the site's credibility by taking visual cues like layout and typography. So, it's time to get a designer.
Did you know that 53% of website visitors leave if the page does not load within 3 seconds?
Page loading speed directly impacts your CRO.
Here’s how to improve your loading speed:
As always, the quality of content plays an imperative role in conversion rate optimization. All other strategies may stop working if your content quality is poor.
Even if you aim to sell your products, your blog posts should look like promotional flyers.
Instead, it's much better to educate your audience about your products and business and let them make their decision. They will surely buy it if it's the right fit for them.
According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, adopters of content marketing have conversion rates nearly six times higher than competitors. Moreover, both users and Google love unique content.
As shown below, tools like Buzzsumo offer content research features that provide trending topics and engagement metrics on various platforms.
Here’s how to create quality content every single time.
Have you heard that saying? Do we want things we cannot get?
If you have ever wanted something available in very limited quantities, you know it makes you crave it more.
That’s the scarcity effect happening.
The scarcity effect is a short supply of products that can make people want your product more before it goes out of stock.
Why does scarcity effect work?
When you put scarcity and urgency together, the perceived value of your products increases multifold.
However, be a bit cautious when using the scarcity effect in CRO. If you constantly put scarcity on your products, your customers would stop believing together.
Here is how to use the scarcity effect to drive conversion
Everyone has an opinion on what works and what does not. But just because we have opinions does not mean we are right or know what works. That’s where testing plays an important role.
Your website’s CRO strategy should be data-driven and not opinion-driven. Here’s how to test your website to improve conversions.
See the screenshot below showing how some businesses gather customer opinions to improve their conversions.
For example, if you optimize a landing page, your goal will likely be to increase the number of leads through form submission and not something like social shares.
There is a misconception that “If it works for them, it will work for you”. As a result, many website creators just look at their competitors to design a CRO strategy.
They create a similar page as their competitors. It not hurts the genuine customers but also loses the identity of your own among the masses, just an example in the below image.
But the results are often devastating.
It’s because web design is extremely emotional. We instantly know which design we like and which one we do not. But we are missing the point, “Does it work or not?”.
To leverage CRO properly, you must understand your customer’s needs. So, when you copy others, you don’t know if their actions will work for your users. As a result, many questions of your audience are left unanswered.
Here are a few tips to not fall into the trap of copying your competitors.
Read: Tips to Do Competitor Analysis in SEO
There are several ways to optimize your conversion rates. However, the core of optimizing your conversion is to improve the user experience.
It's very important. Simply because without converting your visitors into users, you won’t be able to generate revenue. No revenue means no business.
Studies have consistently shown that faster website speed results in better conversion. In simple words, the faster your website loads, the better you will convert.
Brice has been handling marketing projects for more than 12 years and he is providing consulting services on SEO, Social Media and PPC. He has a huge expertise in working at large corporations including Accenture Interactive & PwC Digital Services.
Brice has been handling marketing projects for more than 12 years and he is providing consulting services on SEO, Social Media and PPC. He has a huge expertise in working at large corporations including Accenture Interactive & PwC Digital Services.
How to Rebrand Your Business Without Losing SEO?