

How to Get the Right Mix for Your Content Marketing


The success of a brand depends on the success of its marketing tactics. Gone are the days when you would spray and pray with a pamphlet between newspapers. 

The whole new digital era demands an entirely new ball game. Digital marketing is the latest tool brands use, irrespective of their size.

While traditional marketing is a pretty straightforward lesson, digital marketing has complexities. It needs a different approach and perspective. For example, Marvel and Oneplus collaborated to promote trailers and gadgets. 


The success of a digital marketing strategy depends on the degree of involvement each of its components has. We have it collated for you if you want to find the right max for your content marketing. 

Read to find the most tried, trusted, and successful marketing mix for your content marketing.

7 Ingredients for a Successful Content Marketing Mix 

1. Draw Out The Various Stages In The Customer Journey

New customers are added to a product's lifecycle regularly. 

As a good content marketing strategy, you should focus on what new customers want and take a balanced approach to what your older and loyal customers want to see on your online platforms. 

While it is important to continue talking about brand awareness for new customers regularly, creating content that appeals to your loyal customers is also necessary.

  • Understand various customer profiles and create content accordingly. Understanding your customer's demography and related aspects helps create content that matches your customer persona. 
  • Have a healthy mix of content relating to brand awareness, analysis, consideration, loyalty, and purchase.
  • Look out for content gaps and try to fill them to satisfy customers at all stages. Outline who your audience is and what are the pain points, etc. 

2. Explore Different Forms Of Content Creation

When it comes to establishing your brand image in the market, particularly in an online market, it is critical to consider the various methods available. Because sticking with one format will not fascinate the larger audience in the long run. 


Customers do not want to read long, keyword-stuffed blog posts. 

It's great for brand positioning, but try podcasts, videos, eBooks, infographics, and much more to get your customers interested in your brand.

  • Use infographics to display analysis for awareness posts and use videos or webinars. Send newsletters to your loyal customers with the latest offers and reward points.
  • Create a variety of campaign ideas to keep your customers interested.
  • Have the right balance between quantity and quality. Making more and more low-quality content is the same as not making any at all! For instance, you can use Unsplash and Pexels for high-quality images that are also copyright free for your website.

3. Content Calendar For Zero Confusion

The next and most important step in creating excellent sauce content is to create a content calendar for your brand. Take a look at the below screenshot showing a sample content calendar. 


Depending on your brand's needs, you could do this monthly or weekly. A calendar will outline all of the critical steps in the content marketing process. 

Make one calendar for all platforms so you can keep track of everything.

  • To begin, Hootsuite's content calendar template is an excellent choice. To stay organized, you can also use scheduling apps like Canva or Socioboard.
  • Conduct an audit to understand your audience insights across multiple platforms better. This greatly aids in the development of an effective content strategy.
  • Define your brand's goals and channels for achieving them. Learn the fundamentals of creating a calendar to make it more effective.

4. Optimize Your Website For Conversions

When it comes to making an impression on your customers, the design and structure of your website are critical. 

A website should be user-friendly so that customers can explore it. If your company is a cake, a good website is the frosting. 

The below image shows a site containing content that’s hard to read and unattractive images. People will not buy your cake unless you make it appealing. 

  • When developing a website, make sure that the responsive design is flawless. User experience and user interface will only get you brownie points if you have a website that everyone knows how to use.
  • InVision Studio and Sketch are some platforms you can explore to design a good website.
  • Use content that search engines can easily read and crawl into your headings and text. Also, when creating content, make sure to include enough internal and backlinks.

Read: Importance of Localized Content for SEO & Conversions

5. Create Long-Form Content

Consider this to be the marketing mix's binding agent. Once you've established your content guidelines, begin creating long-form content with targeted keywords. 

Writing long-form content is an excellent way to incorporate keywords and improve your search engine rankings for your blog or content. It influences search engines to rank on top of SERP for many searches. 

Long-form content boosts social media shares and engagement.

  • To find trending keywords for your long-form content, use keyword research tools like Ubersuggests, Google Keyword Planner, or SEMrush.
  • Writing long-form content allows you to provide more information, which improves the quality of your content.
  • Create-Long-Form-Content
  • Long-form content also allows you to place your CTAs more strategically, which leads to higher conversions. A white paper, reviews, product descriptions, round-ups, case studies, and how-to guides are examples of long forms.

6. Repurposing and Distribution

It takes a lot of effort to create interesting content. Evergreen content is content that you can easily repurpose. 

Additionally, when you repurpose your content, you have the opportunity to reach a new audience. Maybe you wrote a blog post about something that worked well. You can now make a YouTube video on the same subject. 

Here are a few ideas to consider if you're looking for new ways to create new content:

  • You could make podcasts from your blog posts or make a video by referencing other related topics. Here’s how a firm has repurposed its blog content into visually appealing YouTube videos. 
  • To explain numbers and other case studies, use statistics, infographics, and sliders.
  • Time and money are saved by repurposing. You will be discovered organically, which will help you overcome writer's block.

7. Use The Right Tools

Now that you know the essential ingredients for creating the ideal marketing mix with content creation, the final necessary to include is knowledge of various tools

Numerous tools help you drive your marketing campaigns and achieve the best results. 

Learn about the best content marketing tools to determine what works best for your brand based on your marketing objectives.

These are some of the tools you can think about. Ion is another excellent tool for developing content strategies. 

There are numerous tools to investigate and discover in situations like this. But, before you do anything else, define your marketing mix journey. 

Make a proper plan to figure out what you'll need and how to use the tools.

Content Marketing Mix - FAQs

1. What Is A Content Marketing Mix, And Why Is It Important?

A content marketing mix is a blend of various types of content and finding a balance between using them in the right way. These could be blogs, podcasts, videos, white papers, case studies, etc. 

A good content marketing mix appeals to all customers in a product journey. The content marketing mix engages and converts customers to make more sales.

2. How Do I Define My Content Marketing Strategy?

A successful content marketing strategy starts with a primary step of defining your marketing goals. The next step is to find your target audience. To make this simple, here are seven steps to creating a successful content marketing strategy:

  • Defining your marketing goal.
  • Finding your target customers.
  • Doing a content audit.
  • You vs. your competitor
  • Defining your Content Management System
  • Planning and ideating for content creation
  • Measuring success 

3. What Are The Different Types Of Content In Content Marketing?

Long texts might not appeal to all customers and so if you are working to strike the perfect balance between different types of content you want to create for your audience, then you can consider these:

  • Videos
  • Blogging
  • Infographics
  • Podcasting
  • Email newsletters
  • Ebooks
  • Visual content

4. How Do I Create A Perfect Content Marketing Mix?

Creating a perfect content marketing mix lies in the steps you define in developing a strategy. It involves understanding the nuances of determining the perfect strategy and using the right tools for the strategy.

  • Understand what content your audience needs at each stage of the customer journey.
  • Use different formats for content creation
  • Choose a sustainable publishing cadence.
  • Establish a process to improve efficiency
  • Measure your results to understand how your strategy worked

Key Takeaways

  • Define your marketing objectives based on your customer personas and sales objectives.
  • Define your Key Result Areas and Key Performance Indicators.
  • Before developing a content strategy, identify and create an audience persona.
  • Before you start creating new content, take a look at your existing content inventory.
  • Make a list of which content channels work best for you.
  • Make a content calendar and use a content planning tool to help you do so.
  • The various stages of considering content creation are awareness, consideration, analysis, purchase, and loyalty.

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Brice Decker

Brice has been handling marketing projects for more than 12 years and he is providing consulting services on SEO, Social Media and PPC. He has a huge expertise in working at large corporations including Accenture Interactive & PwC Digital Services.


Brice Decker

Brice has been handling marketing projects for more than 12 years and he is providing consulting services on SEO, Social Media and PPC. He has a huge expertise in working at large corporations including Accenture Interactive & PwC Digital Services.

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